Able . Connected . Aligned . Outcome Driven

Based in Abu Dhabi, in the heart of a fast-growing, pioneering and progressively diversifying regional economy, Petley Partners (P/P) is the embodiment of a collaborative network of sound, connected and trusted investment hands. We are research based, relationship driven, and performance orientated. For four decades, a core contingent of the P/P team has attained the highest echelons within the global macro-economic strategy and investment spheres, in addition to having spent many years in the Middle East, ably serving Abu Dhabi’s leading sovereign wealth funds and largest national institutions at the highest levels.
Having presided over core investment philosophies, methodologies and processes across all asset classes and investment strategies, the P/P team is well positioned to deliver a qualified, high value filter and fast track to identifying and connecting optimal economic development and investment projects and prospects. P/P seeks to align this collective local knowledge and wider global investment expertise to the targeted investment demands and strategic economic, social, cultural and environmental vision and objectives of the UAE Government.

With far reaching access into a rich talent pool of leading investment managers, business leaders, entrepreneurs and leading corporate drivers of growth and innovation, P/P represent a valuable resource, enabling discrete, high-level access to both demand and supply sides of capital investment. P/P’s powerful connectivity and reach helps deliver swift and direct access to the requisite knowledge, expertise and enterprise to support, enhance and perpetuate the region’s remarkable economic achievements in today’s ever evolving and complex global macroeconomic and geopolitical environment, benefitting all parties in the process. With personnel throughout the region and a subsidiary in Mumbai, our research based, relationship driven business model combines our long established global macroeconomic credentials with our high-level corporate connections in areas, and with businesses, that are at the very forefront of innovation and underpinned by immense forward looking growth trajectories. Our Indian capabilities and reach are extensive, with relationships across Corporate India, built up over many decades and at the highest level, providing privileged and exclusive access to major block trades in Indian companies, and both private equity and private credit opportunities.

After an unprecedented period of truly remarkable economic growth and achievement, the nation’s judicious ruling elite’s vision demonstrates a will and determination to build upon this strong legacy of the past, and develop a sustainable, diversified and vibrant economic trajectory for the future. The P/P business model is focussed upon aligning itself to both the past and the future, by connecting suitable investment managers and propositions to the nation’s and its neighbouring economic partners’ primary sovereign wealth funds and family offices that preside over cumulative investment wealth that has been generated over time, in addition to connecting suitable acquisition and joint venture propositions to the relevant economic development sectors for the future. The quest for meaningful diversification away from oil and gas demands a bold, coherent and broad-based strategy of economic partnerships and investment on a breadth and scale previously unseen. P/P ‘s focus thus remains firmly directed to areas and business opportunities that are well positioned for extraordinary, demographically driven growth and demand (such as in India). To achieve the objectives of the region and meet the demands of the corporate world facing the greatest and most assured growth trajectories, the P/P team play a central role in managing the needs and expectation of both parties, ensuring that their interest remain closely aligned and well balanced.

P/P seeks to position itself within this prevailing drive to diversify vision and deliver positive outcomes for both the parties of corporates, specialist investment managers and economic growth enablers that P/P will represent and connect within the region, and their recipient sovereign wealth and economic development counterparties. Our services are entirely cost free, and conflict free, for GCC entities and success driven for the sell side. We are currently entrusted with over 30 prestigious corporate mandates involving transactions amounting, in aggregate, to over $48bn. With relationships built on trust, respect and integrity, the P/P ethos and approach is to provide a solid, consistent and high-level platform to listen, reflect, plan, source and connect GCC sovereign wealth funds and other government economic development entities to befitting opportunities and corporate partners within the designated specialist fields of investment and economic development sought. In short, P/P is results orientated and our mission is to provide positive outcomes for all parties, via well-organised access to new channels of investment opportunities, economic enablers and proven expertise in targeted niche areas.